This Tiny Little Person
I am sitting on my bed with a lovely little person in my lap. As scrumptious as she is, this new found skill of poking my eyes and pulling my hair is not my favorite. She's grown waaay too much over the last few weeks, which I have mixed emotions about, and she has quite a sassy personality that is openly displayed daily :). This week, especially, her "sin nature" has entered the picture, and the easy breezy days of infancy are behind us. No longer is she simply an innocent little angel. She knows what she's not allowed to play with, and those are the things that she wants the most. Ahhh, the nature of our humanity. It makes me grateful for God's grace, because He's gotta get fed up sometimes, don't ya think? How He consistently shows grace is beyond me.
This picture is only one of the many examples of the messes she is capable of making :). Craziness!
This little munch is life to me when I'm struggling. Her laughter and sugary smile makes it all feel worth it! Cherish these days with the little ones in your world, all you who are richly blessed in this way, as I am. Before you know it, you're gonna blink and they'll be "too big", and you'll wonder where the time went! I spend my days with many other precious peeps, who aren't as tiny as this one, but are just as dear. I have made it one of my goals in life (a necessary goal) to make them feel just as loved and wanted.
That is a great we should all emulate daily! Especially since John tells us to in 1 John chapter 4 over and over! :)